Topic: Events
Next week Hop and Pop will be featured at 2023’s 4gamechangers festival in Vienna’s beautiful Marx Halle venue. Oliver of Vrei will be happy to take you for a ride from May 15th until 17th.
Hop and Pop will be present at the 100 year celebration event of the Verkehrsbüro Group. This will take place at the awesome venue of the Vienna Art History Museum on May 17th, starting at 7pm.
We will kick of this summer’s Hop and Pop demo tour on the upcoming weekend of April 22nd to 23rd at the Fallschirmsportzentrum Saar in beautiful Saarland, Germany. This might also be a good chance to try it out for our (nothern) French and Benelux followers. Find the venue on Google Maps.
Starting on April 12th 2016, for two weeks the Hop and Pop demo simulator will be set up at the Vrei VR Lounge in Vienna. There will also be a weekly landing competition and it is free to participate. Grand prize both times is a real-world tandem skydive sponsored by Fallschirmspringen-Wien!
Next week (March 18th) I will be part of the “expert panel” at VRVienna’s upcoming event Reality+ at the SAE Institute of Vienna. Joining TEDxVienna’s Vlad Gozman and Vrisch’s Mike Mandl we will discuss upcoming VR projects shared by the audience.